NEW SINGLE - 'The Deer's Cry' from Lee Harris + Davor Bozic

Today, we are very happy to bring you a brand new song, ‘The Deer’s Cry’.
This song has such an interesting history and is considered by many to be a song of protection, but I had not heard of it until recently. 
I was returning to a friend’s home after we had all been out to dinner.  When we entered the house, I heard a beautiful song playing louder than usual in the hallways. I asked about it and my friend explained that she left it playing on repeat while we were out, and often does this, to cleanse and recharge her home. 
She explained she used it to uplift the vibration of her home from some of the encounters that can occur throughout the week, clearing any sadness or malaise that might have found its way into the home from various guests, phone calls or activities.
We were chatting about how much a song can not only uplift a person but also a physical space, when she turned to me and asked if Davor and I would create our own version of it.
I was surprised but also intrigued. I played it to Davor, he agreed and then we embarked on what has been a very interesting process for us - to approach a song with such a rich backstory to it.
The Deer’s Cry or “Lorica” originates from a poem that was believed to have been composed in 433 CE by St. Patrick, and this particular version of the poem was set to music by Irish composer Shaun Davey in 1990. 
The story goes that St. Patrick and his party were on their way to the King’s Court, but had been warned that there was an ambush waiting for them. So as they made their way through the woods, in order to protect themselves, St. Patrick and his men chanted the Deer’s Cry. The Druids, who were the ones laying in waiting to ambush St. Patrick and his twenty men, later reported that they never saw them cross through the woods, but instead only saw a gentle doe followed by twenty fawns. So, the protection prayer they recited had worked.
In the song you will hear the words: “Christ’s strength to pilot me, Christ’s shield to protect me.” 
For Davor and I, Christ refers to Christ Consciousness; our collective enlightened consciousness that is readily available to uplift and protect us. And we can call on it at any time.
This was a delicate song to create, as it is both strong and vulnerable all at the same time. Davor gathered some wonderful musicians in Slovenia to become part of our version, playing instruments including Tympani and the Zither. It also features harmony vocals from Davor's girlfriend Eva, and for the chorus, we brought in AVE, a wonderful vocal choir from Ljubljana, Slovenia.
I knew that I wanted us to have this song ready for you by Easter - a perfect season for a song that contains Christ Consciousness.
We hope you enjoy ‘The Deer’s Cry’, no matter how you may choose to interpret it.  
Much love
Lee and Davor (and perhaps, St Patrick...)


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